Elite Esthetician Institute

The Tools and Confidence You Need to Build a Profitable Esthetics Business

Being an esthetician is one of the most rewarding careers out there! You have an incredible opportunity to impact people's lives, appointment after appointment, by helping them have beautiful, healthy skin.

But we also know that being an esthetician and operating your own business has its challenges! Do you ever feel like:

You’re putting in endless hours and not seeing the paychecks you expected?

You're feeling overwhelmed, and realizing that owning your own business can feel isolating. 

You’re not seeing your books as full as you’d like them to be?

You’re not sure why people aren’t rescheduling?                    

You thought owning your own business would bring you freedom, but it’s only weighing you down?

You're  struggling to stand out and differentiate yourself in a saturated market?

 Elite Esthetician Institute Will Teach You How to Flourish and Thrive

We get it! As two estheticians with over 50 years combined experience, we’ve seen all the ebbs and flows of being a part of, and then owning and operating our own highly successful spa. 

We created the Elite Esthetician Institute because we know that being an esthetician can be one of the more fulfilling careers there is, and we want all of the estheticians out there to live a life that feels impactful, successful, and rewarding. As estheticians, you can have:

Full Books

and repeat clients and a dependable income.


that your services are making a positive difference in your client’s lives.

A Successful Income

without adding more and more hours to your schedule.

Consistent Income

through confidence in retail skills.


Credibility-building rapport in your community and industry as an expert in your field.

Gain confidence, increase your impact, and grow your income with the tried and true methods taught at the Elite Esthetician Institute.

Learn about our programs

Meet Mariquita and Beth | Founders of Elite Esthetician Institute

Meet Mariquita and Beth, renowned estheticians with a combined experience of over 50 years. As single moms, they embarked on a journey to create independent, sustainable, and fulfilling lives for themselves and their families. Determined to excel in their craft and make a difference in the industry, they broke free from the confines of traditional employment and established their own luxurious spa destination.

Their Northern Colorado spa has earned a reputation for its unwavering commitment to excellence in skincare and mentoring confident, results-driven estheticians. Mariquita and Beth's meticulous attention to detail, streamlined processes, inviting ambiance, and comprehensive training have set the standard for luxury unique experiences. Their genuine passion for the business of skin radiates through every client they’ve served and every esthetician they’ve trained. Mariquita and Beth have taken immense pride in training and mentoring  the estheticians in their own spa. Many who have gone on to open their own esthetic businesses, carrying forward Mariquita and Beth’s proven methodology.

Now, Mariquita and Beth are on a mission to empower estheticians everywhere. They understand that success should not be kept behind the doors of their Northern Colorado spa. Instead, they wholeheartedly believe in sharing their tried-and-true secrets of success in simple and meaningful ways. With their expert guidance and mentorship, they are dedicated to helping estheticians thrive in both their passion for skin and an abundant lifestyle.

At Elite Esthetician Institute, we invite you to join a community where knowledge is power and expertise is shared. Together, we'll shape a future where every esthetician can flourish and succeed

 Signature Offerings from Elite Esthetician Institute

We work with skin care professionals who are currently in school, have already obtained their esthetic license, or are spa owners. No matter where you are in your career, we welcome you. At EEI, our mission is to help every esthetician, regardless of their career stage, gain complete clarity on the roadmap to success. Our offerings are built on four pillars that form the foundation of our mentorship programs:

The Art of Details

Master and perfect your craft by honing your existing techniques to new levels of excellence. Develop an exceptional client experience by skillfully assessing unique needs, providing customized treatments, and mastering the art of retail recommendations and rebooking.

The Business of Skincare

Learn the essential business strategies and practices to effectively market your esthetics services, attract and retain clients, manage finances, and build a thriving and profitable beauty business.

The Value of Relationships

Discover the power of building strong and lasting relationships with clients, emphasizing effective communication, trust-building, and personalized care that exceeds expectations and fosters client loyalty.

How to Create a Successful Lifestyle 

Gain insights into creating a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle as an esthetician, focusing on self-care, mindset development, work-life integration, and setting goals that align with your personal values and aspirations.

Whether you take one of our courses or choose to work with us for one-on-one mentorship, we’ll equip you with the mindset shifts, skills, and business lessons you need to operate a luxe beauty business that allows you to serve others while living your version of success.

The Fully Booked Esthetician

Unlock unparalleled success in your esthetics business with our comprehensive 90-day mentorship program



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Intimate Mentorship


Experience personalized guidance and support with our exclusive mentorship options, where we offer valuable knowledge through tailored one-on-one sessions and engaging spa team workshops.


Coming Soon

Frequently Asked Questions

Elevate Your Esthetics  Business and See the Success You’ve Been Dreaming About


If you’re ready to stop living paycheck to paycheck, have steady income year-round, and overflow with confidence that you’re making an impact and you’re great at what you do, it’s time to invest in your growth with the Elite Esthetician Institute.

Sign Up For the Course

Esthetician’s Pocket Guide to Being Fully Booked

Grab our free resource, From Broke to Booked: Estheticians Pocket Guide to Being Fully Booked and unlock the secrets to building a thriving and successful esthetics business. Don't miss out on this essential resource that will transform your income and help you achieve your goals as a fully booked esthetician.

You're safe with us. We'll never spam you or sell your contact info.

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